About the Forum
The HiiL Innovating Justice Forum is the place where perspectives on user-friendly justice meet the reality: bottom up and institutional; justice entrepreneurs and courts; informal and formal justice; innovation and research.
As systems and institutions struggle to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for justice is rising. People from all over the world seek justice within their own system, but often do not succeed in solving a case. With 1 billion people facing a new and serious conflict each year and only 47 % completely or partially resolved, the need for a user-friendly justice system has never been more clear.
How effective is justice if it doesn’t solve the most pressing justice problems of people? How fair is it if it is not timely? We truly believe basic justice care for everyone is possible by supporting user-friendly justice, that is building on what actually works to solve or prevent justice problems. At the Innovating Justice Forum we bring together innovators, lawyers, judges, investors, ministers, leaders and academia to talk about developing and financing universal justice care. Together we form a people-centred justice movement to work towards the mission to achieve equal access to justice for all by 2030.
We play the justice game in a different way. We create a justice system that is accessible, affordable and people-centred. #people-centred justice
Community justice services that deliver solutions effectively, through paralegals, justices of the peace, judicial facilitators, houses of justice or community tribunals: integrating formal and informal justice.
Safe, verified and user-friendly contracts to the masses, ensuring fairness in families, at work, on housing and between small businesses and their key partners.
Platforms offering mandatory one-stop dispute resolution for employment, family or other justice problems, connecting advice, negotiation, facilitation and adjudication in a seamless way, supported online.
Problem-solving practices or courts, addressing the causes of the problem, focusing on containing criminal behaviour, restorative justice and measured retribution for many types of everyday crimes.
Claiming services that help people to access vital public services such as social security benefits, personal identity.
Prevention programs or services to ensure safety and security supported by apps, focusing on violence and fraud.
People-centered online information or advice, with follow up services, assisting people to solve their problems step by step and in a fair, effective way, consistent with their legal entitlements.
The Innovating Justice Forum is the place to exchange opinions. You can participate in the meeting rooms and engage with justice entrepreneurs, justice leaders and other experts in the field of justice innovation.
Looking back at the Innovating Justice Forum 2020
As the world set the ambitious target of achieving equal access to justice for all by 2030 (SDG 16.3), there was yet to be a plan on how to finance it. The Innovating Justice Forum 2020 brought together innovators, lawyers, judges, investors, ministers, leaders and academia to talk about financing universal justice care. The annual Innovating Justice Challenge saw 14 motivated teams presenting their justice innovation ideas to the Forum. The winner: Bankly, who provides Africans with a secure, decentralized and convenient digital financial services platform.
Have an insider look at what happened at the Justice Awards 2020:
Testimonials from the Forum 2020