Jules Rochielle Sievert has been working at the NuLawLab since 2013 where their practice is centered at the intersection of art, advocacy, and activism. Jules is currently an Ambassador for Health Equity at Policy Link and works as a Lecturer at the School Museum of Fine Art at Tufts University. NuLawLab has received awards from the Kresge Foundation, from Northeastern University, the Legal Services Corporation Technology Innovation Grant Program, and a 2014 Hiil Innovative Idea Award from Innovating Justice at the Hague Institute for the Innovation of Law.

From 2017-2019, Jules was a Creative Placemaking Policy Fellow at Arizona State University through the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. Their most recent artist residencies have been with the Stroom Den Haag, the Center for Artistic Activism at Art Action Academy at the Queens Museum, with the Mayor’s Office of Veterans’ Affairs and Department of Cultural Affairs in New York, and with California State Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana.