How fair is justice if it does not reach people? And how accessible is it, if people do not have a voice?
At HiiL, we have begun the countdown for the upcoming Innovating Justice Forum and we want to make sure more and more people have a voice in setting the collective agenda of making justice user-friendly.
We are thrilled to announce that the proceedings of the Forum will be translated live in French and Arabic.

The Innovating Justice Forum 2021 happens virtually from 8-10 February 2021. It will bring together justice leaders, innovators, and practitioners from all across the world on the theme of ‘Making people-centered justice work’.
As the sessions will go on, a team of translators will provide the audience with subtitles in French and Arabic. The Forum will be taking place on the virtual platform Hopin, and the participants will be able to access the live translation at their convenience.
At HiiL, we hope to make justice more accessible. That also means giving more people the chance to participate in the Forum. We hope that the added feature will give an opportunity to speakers of these languages to have a say in the conversations and in having their voices heard.
The registrations for the Forum are still open. If you wish to participate, you can register here!